Monday, June 25, 2012

Be careful earning money.Don't trust MLM company .They are cheater .

At least 750 core taka lost the clients of dolancer. Dolancer company already escape from Bangladesh.Many clients of dolancer proclaimed and they keep dolancer owner father in law house in last three days. Bangladesh has many cheating company. Some days ago skylancer escaped from Bangladesh. They income 350 core taka from the Bangladeshi clients. In this country there are no hard law for protecting this type of company. They give the income path and in conclusion when they get huge money from her clients they escaped. In few days ago the largest MLM company betrayed with his clients. These company name is destiny-2000 limited.
so be careful about MLM company.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dolancer give hope their clients for money but today they stop their office

There were many educated people who joined dolancer today they are cheated by dolancer. Dolancer company said their company is established in USA and they have office in their. But now come the true they have no office in USA or others country. In Bangladesh capital Dhaka were their office in kolabagan. Today their many clients are strike in front of their office. But the client is alas ! Because they work hard day and night for income money .But dolancer hide their all activities. In this time the government should come forward to solve this problem. If this type of company arrange their working again the client will be cheated by them .

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dolancer,Skylencer,Vision addworlds are the cheating online MLM company of Bangladesh

There are many cheating company company of the world. In Bangladesh has some cheating company. They offer their clients amazing then their client are attracted their offer. The client invest 7500tk. Client work two month then the company provides money. Dolancer has minimum 1 lakh client and vision adworlds has 80,000 thousend clients .So after collecting their clients they are hide from country. In this online MLM company joined most of the university students. They know it is wrong but they go this company for income money. It should be awareness before registered this company .

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Submit your URL for SEO every search engine

If you want to submit your URL in google search engine please go to this link and submit your site. After submit your site you must fill up a captcha.Then you add URL and click ADD URL button. Now google start crawl your site.
Now you can submit your URL in yahoo site.For submitting URL in yahoo site click here .Here you select category and subcategory then add your site in yahoo.
For submit your site Bing click this URL and type your website name and submit.
This is the system for submitting your URL.If  you want more visitors you must submit your site various search engine .Next time we discuss about some important information about webmaster tools.Thank You.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Most earning newspapers in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the most development country of the world.About 14.80 core people in this country. It's situated in Asia pacific region. This country is very beautiful. Once upon a time it was said the heaven of the earth. But by the change of time it's population is increase so many. But, it is beautiful. This country has many newspaper. Everyday most of the people buy and read newspaper. There are many newspapers in this country. Their has a lot of income. Bangladesh largest selling newspaper is It has many readers in whole of the world where has bangalee. It's many online readers. Their are many featured in this newspapers. Such as 'sopno nea','nari o sastho','kheladula' and huge featured. Some featured inspired young generation people . Most of the valuable advertise published prothom-alo. If you ask one bangalee what is the best selling newspaper in Bangladesh . Easily he say

Friday, May 25, 2012

How can you earn money from SEO.Some SEO tips given below.

technology school
Search engine optimization is the most welcome earning source anywhere any country. Their are many work in search engine optimization in odesk,freelancer,elance etc. Now a days many unemployed educated people get confidence from SEO work. SEO is the best income source who have something knowledge of internet. You can seo your website various way.Such as link building,social media as like as facebook,twitter etc. When you optimize your website your website show on google at first. It is important any kind of website. If you want to see your website search at first you must follow some seo tips. You must be follow google seo guide. If you search google you will get more tips about search engine optimization. Many seo tools you will get online. When your website have many visitors then you can apply google adsense.It is the important for any website. You can earn money from SEO in your website and others website. So now you can try income from SEO.You must follow three target for benefited SEO.Such as,
If you work for fill up a target you will win to your success.Success always help you for a better thinking. So, you start now your income from seo.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Earn money from computer technology school

technology schoolComputer technology school is the largest training center of internet .I mean every one can income from internet. Internet is the best learning school in the modern time.Computer technology gives us many things.One time what does not imagine men  but in this moment it is possible.Online is the best education system day by day. It is not only education system but also it is the earning way today.Many international popular website teach men various way. now a days some website is the learning system today. Today we what we want to know google help us for searching that.Computer technology school means from learning online. you can learn html,php,css,javascrpt from .I see it is the best website to learn .If you are php expert your salary will be high and you will earn money.There are many advantage of technology school.Such what you want to know technology they give you the best results.
thank you everyone.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to earn money from wordpress .

earning technology
Wordpress is the most popular cms of the world. You can earn money from wordpress from two way. The first one is using WordPress as it is intended and creating a website or blog from it, then administrators that blog to earn money. The second way is the vast market place come to you when it is a good position. When you create a blog that time you can give the vital information to your blog. The vital information get more visitor to your blog. When your blog you get more visitors you can apply for google adsense. After review by google give u adsense after monitoring your site. You must have remind that no copy paste your blog. If google see the copy&paste content they did not approved your adsense. Be careful about this. If your site is popular you can start affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is may income source to your blog. You can start a wordpress blog then start income. It’s very easy to start your income. Wordpress may be your income source you and your friends. At first if you go who know about wordpress then you learn from them.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Income from affiliate marketing. It’s a easy way for income money.

You have a website. Many visitors see your site daily. But you have no income from your website. If you want to income from your website you can add advertise in your website. It’s called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is the one kind of income source by your website. is the largest e-commerce site of the world .If you want to income from you must have a blog there you used there product advertise. Via your website any product sell you will get 15%  dollar from total price of the product. It is easy to say but difficult to do. But if continue your industry you will be a successful income resource person for your family.
Some important talk.
If you think if I click another website add he will get money. But should not do for that. If you like any add you click their. it mentality must be changed. If you feel I need to see the add please see that. Thank you everyone.

The biggest sea beach in Bangladesh.You come here for earn money.

the largest sea beach of the world
Coxbazar sea beach is the biggest sea beach in the world. It situated in Bangladesh.There are many young people work here for earn money.Many visitors come here for see the unique creation of the God.Some foreign young heroes already involves here .Every day come newer people.It is the great earning point Bangladesh and the other country people.
happy moment at sunset time
You can come here and joined the work and enjoy yourself.In the sea beach you can work as like as photography and guidelines the people who does not come here and newer people.In some agency of coxbazars sea beach the appoint young people who know good english.In the sunset time the best time of the traveller.At that time how the create sunset and it entertainment is very charming.

More about know coxbazar sea beach
please click here